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Restoration carving including either repairs of existing features or replica carving to replace features that have been destroyed.

Ceiling Ross Boss carved from Oak as a restoration replic carving
Ceiling Ross Boss carved from Oak as a restoration replic carving
IMG_0726.JPGCeiling Ross Boss carved from Oak as a restoration replic carving

A ceiling rose boss carved as a replica to replace the original destroyed by fire

A guilloche pattern carved for a replacement drawer front, destroyed by fire

Gilloche restoraton carving for a drawer front
Gilloche restoraton carving for a drawer front

A decorative panel carved to replace an original destroyed by water

Replica restoration carving of a decorative panel
Replica restoration carving of a 16th century bench moulding

6 metres of decorative moulding and 7 ball and claw feet carved to replace the features of a 16th century cove bench 

Replica restoration carving of 16th century bench legs
Replica restoration carving of 16th century bench legs
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